Thursday, February 11, 2016

Blog Assignment 1 (Online Identity)

          In today's day and age social media is a big part of creating and building our identities. We create a personality online of how we want people to view us and see us. We post pictures of what we are doing and with whom we are doing them with. Social media tell people what activities we are interested and what political views we have. A person can learn so much about someone else just by looking at their Facebook. Aside from the social view point that media plays a in creating our identities it also plays a roll in creating our professional lives. For example media makers like us create videos and pictures to share online so people can see what we can do and what we are interested in. This is how potential employers see what type of person we are and how we identify ourselves.
         When it comes to authenticity or anonymity and which one is more important I think that authenticity is the way I would go. When you are being authentic to who you are online there is more of a positive outcome to everything. People who are anonymous online always are negative and post things that offend people because they know there are not consequences. People would never say some of the things that they posted online. Also if you lie online about who you are chances are that the people that you know outside of social media will know that you are lying and that to me is embarrassing. I know we post pictures where we look our best but it's still us at the end of the day.

Picture from:


  1. I completely agree with you Moises! I definitely go the route of authenticity rather than anonymity. Positive results always come out of being authentic and being true to yourself. When people online are anonymous, you never know who the person his behind the computer. Always be authentic with anything you do!

  2. Authenticity has always been important and technology has now made it critical. In any form of social medial it is clear that authenticity is needed to have an engaged audience, weather your promoting a business or personal leisure. When an individual is authentic you know what kind of person they are, rather than an unidentified person behind a computer screen.

  3. I agree 100% Moises! Usually, our online personalities are exaggerations of ourselves, or only the parts of ourselves that we want people to see. Authenticity is very important in building an online identity, but most people tend to blur the truth when sharing things about themselves on social media. People should try to be more authentic with themselves, people can get to know you better and know the real you!
